PJFC Newsletter: Issue #1

PJFC Newsletter, Issue #1 - January 10, 2025
Hi to all our PJFC members,
We hope you are enjoying the summer holidays. Whilst the footy season is a while away, the committee and footy ops team are working behind the scenes to get set up for the season ahead. We’d like to share some updates and dates to pop in the diary for you to get organised.

Committee Updates

Prior to Christmas, the PJFC Committee farewelled our President, Ben Apted; Treasurer, Andrew Wilson and Secretary, Georgie McCallister. All have stepped away after dedicating many fabulous years to our Committee and leaving their mark on the Club. 

Ben Apted

Ben’s leadership contributed to developing governance and committee organisation along with nurturing a number of football initiatives to support our members - supporting the pathway, summer and pre-season programs, coaching portal and a transparent and independent approach to grading of teams.

Ben established the inaugural PJFC Gala Dinner and fundraising activities and led the appointment of key roles within the Club to further enhance the Girls football program. Under Ben’s stewardship, club membership continued to grow, an achievement made all the more notable at a time when Toorak Park was under construction. 

Ben has established a strong Committee to ensure further growth and development in 2025 and we thank him for his huge contribution.

A message from Andy Miller, President of PFC Incorporated.

On behalf of Prahran Football Club Incorporated I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the exceptional work Ben Apted has undertaken as President Prahran Junior Football Club. Foremost is recognition that the position of President is voluntary, and it is only the good will of people like Ben that these positions are filled and executed to the benefit of our members and particularly the many hundreds of boys and girls playing football at our great club.

Ben took on the role of President after several years working at a committee level and at the end of his two-year term we can look back at the many initiatives he has introduced that have improved and grown the collective experience of all involved in junior footy. A key goal of the Board of PFC Inc is to ensure the junior and senior club is working together towards shared goals. Under Ben’s leadership whilst also serving on the Board the Junior Committee and Senior Committee worked successfully on the Toorak Park redevelopment and continued improvement in the pathway from the very beginning at Auskick through to U19 and Senior football.

Ben has passionately served our community and leaves the club stronger.

Andrew Wilson

A sincere thankyou to Andrew for his dedicated service as our Treasurer for the past few years. Andrew’s financial stewardship and commitment have been vital to our growth and success. We are grateful for the countless hours he has invested, ensuring that our club runs smoothly and efficiently. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and we thank you for this.

Georgie McCallister

Georgie has tirelessly dedicated a huge amount of time and passion to our club as Committee member and fulfilling the significant role as Secretary. Always willing to roll up her sleeves, Georgie was instrumental in facilitating the smooth transition from Toorak Park and the running of the club whilst in our temporary home at Como. We are grateful for her time on the committee and the mark she has left on the club.

PJFC relies heavily on the incredible donation of time and expertise from our community volunteers and we thank Ben, Andrew and Georgie for their HUGE contribution to PJFC.

2025 Committee

2025 brings a few new faces to the Committee. 
Our new President is Jo Harris, otherwise known as Georgia and Olly’s mum. Georgia will be playing in the U18 girls team and Olly in u14 mixed this season. Jo managed U13 Team Lux in 2024, to then join the Committee as Secretary at the end of the 2024 season. Jo has now stepped into the role as President, to work alongside a wonderful and experienced committee;

  • President - Jo Harris 
  • Treasurer - Beth Schofield
  • Registrar - Peter Cotter
  • Footy Ops Liaison - Chris Guest
  • Pathways & Schools - Andrew Parker
  • Team Manager Co-ordinator - Paddy Posset
  • Merchandise & Uniform - Pam Johnston 

We have positions available on the Committee and welcome a conversation with anyone considering joining us. Ideally, our committee is a representation of our community, so it would be wonderful to have some parents of our younger members on board. We are currently looking for a Secretary, Child Safety Liaison and other general committee members roles.

Along with Committee positions, there are plenty of other opportunities to get involved by volunteering your time and expertise to support the club. Whether it be design, marketing, events, video editing/photography or simply lending a hand, we would love to speak with you. Please email Jo Harris - president@prahranjfc.com
PJFC relies heavily on the incredible donation of time and expertise from our community volunteers. If you would like to hear more, please click the button below or email Jo Harris - president@prahranjfc.com

Dates for the Diary

To get organised, here is a snapshot of what’s ahead;
  • Jan 19 - March 9th (every Sunday) - Summer Footy Program continues at Auburn High
  • Feb 4th - 27th - Pre-season sessions (optional and open to all ages) will run on every Tues and Thurs (time and location TBC)
  • March 2nd & 9th - grading training (u12 upwards) (venue and time TBC)
  • March 16th & 23rd - grading games (u12 upwards) (venue and time TBC) * more info will be released to applicable families)
  • March 25 - Teams announced (including coaches)
  • April 4 - 22 school holidays (Easter 19-21 April)
  • April 25 - Friday training commences at Toorak Park!! (also ANZAC day)
  • Season Commences = 27th April (Sunday) = Round 1


2025 Registrations

For anyone who missed the earlier comms - Registrations are currently open!

Jan 31 - 
Current members are given priority of registrations up until this date. Footy ops and Peter Cotter (registrar) will meet to review numbers, before opening up for transfers from other clubs. Registrations are still open after this date, pending availability.

Feb 1 - Registrations open to transfers from other clubs  - we have increased numbers already, so we strongly recommend current members register now to avoid disappointment. 

Numbers will be limited per team and registrations are on a first come first served basis. Once a team has reached capacity, we will keep a waitlist and will only reopen registrations to this year level if there are sufficient waitlisters to run an additional team.


Grading and Pre-Season

Our pre-season program is optional and open to all players. We are currently organising locations and time and information will be emailed and on the website shortly.

Grading occurs in u12 upwards for any age group where there is more than 1 team. We will have information regarding the grading process, including details of when and where, available shortly. 


What's Ahead?

PJFC was established in 1975, at a time when the only option for local boys were social games at Orrong Romanis. It seems fitting that we move back into the new Toorak Park in our 50th year so we can celebrate our growing junior football club community.

We kick off our first training for the season on April 25, and we look forward to welcoming you back and showing off our new home!

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